
Showing posts with the label OfficeMax #6517

Tour: OfficeMax #6517 - Lancaster, PA

OfficeMax #6517, located at 1700 Fruitville Pike in Lancaster, Pennsylvania opened in 1998 with the rest of the Red Rose Commons shopping center. Its exterior was remodeled around 2010 and it is the lone OfficeMax store in Lancaster County. This is my only quality photo of this store. There are some additional ones below, but they're extremely blurry. The breakroom supplies aisle, including paper towels, facial tissues, air fresheners, and other things like that. The storage aisle, with mostly plastic bins. The road sign from back before the remodel. ( The store itself before the remodel. ( Quick Information: Opened: 1998 Address:  1700 Fruitville Pike Photographed: March 2021