Glimpse: Shoppers #2371 - Wheaton, MD

Welcome back to Retail Forever! This is the last post from the Silver Spring, MD area (for now). I've been debating whether this should be categorized as Shoppers or Lidl, but I'll just consider it Shoppers (it's more interesting, at least to me). This store was built in 1997 and opened as a Hechinger. That store closed in 1999 with the rest of the chain. In 2002, Shoppers Food & Pharmacy #2371 opened in the space. Shoppers' store remained open until 2020 when it closed to be converted to a Lidl. Lidl is planned to open around Summer 2021. The store is located at 2201 Randolph Road. Lidl. The exterior is finished being repainted, but the inside is still being stocked. A handy store layout for Shoppers that I found on Google Maps The store as a Shoppers. (Google Streetview) Former Shoppers Pharmacy sign. At the date of this imagery, the store was already "winding down" and the pharmacy was closed. You can faintly see the space where the word "pharmacy...