Tour: CVS #5090 - Lancaster, PA (Harrisburg Ave)

On Tuesday, we checked out a CVS with the newest decor package, but today, we're going back about a decade to a store with the "Urban Store" decor package. This location is located at 551 Harrisburg Avenue, right across from the F&M College main campus. It opened on July 31, 2011. This store features two entrances (one on the front and one on the back), and two checkout counters (although only one is used anymore). The exterior isn't like any other CVS, and it has an extremely high ceiling. It wasn't built as a CVS, but I'm unable to figure out what it was prior. A Google Maps screenshot from June 2011. You can see CVS's red design already on the windows. The building before CVS took over. I have no idea what it was before CVS (Google Maps streetview) An "Urban Store" aisle marker Department signage The front registers, which are no longer used. This store features the newest ExtraCare coupon kiosk The food section of the store Quick Informa...